Saturday 3 January 2015

Dos and Don’ts of Weight Management

Whether you decide to reduce, control or increase weight the most important step is to measure your weight on a regular basis. Do you often feel that your weight is inconsistent with the diet or workout plan you take up? Did you find your weight actually increasing after a month of rigorous exercise and strict diet? Don’t get demotivated. The reason can be the time of the day you chose to hop on your weighing scale. There are multiple reasons for which your weight check may not be accurate.

The ideal way to measure weight:
  • The best time to measure weight is early morning. Before you have your breakfast and your morning cup of coffee.
  • Right after urination, your body contains only the minimum required amount of water. This is to ensure that fluctuation of water weight in the body does not impact the overall body weight. 
  • Measure weight with no clothes on.
  • Measuring weight once a week is enough.
  • Check weight on a fixed day and time every week.
  • Use the same scale every time. Digital weight machines display more accurate and consistent weight.
  • Set a realistic goal.
  • Stick to your weight loss regimen.

What you should not do:
  • Never measure weight after a heavy meal.
  • Avoid heavy shoes and clothes.
  • Do not weigh right after rigorous exercise.
  • Do not measure weight while menstruating.
  • Keep your bathroom scale directly on the floor and not on a carpet or floor mat.

Understand that diet and weight loss exercises take time to show results. Keep calm and stay motivated.

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