Your body is preparing itself to create a
life within. It is obvious that you will have to take great care for your body.
A balanced diet is essential. Ensure that your body gets a steady supply of
rich nutrients to build a healthy life.
Plenty of Greens
Fertility experts have established an inverse relationship
between animal protein and fertility. According to a leading health magazine,
eating one portion of red meat, turkey, or chicken everyday can increases ovulatory
infertility by 33%. One portion of fish or eggs however do not impact
ovulation. One portion of green and leafy vegetables and nuts on the other hand
protect you from ovulatory infertility. Therefore, ensure that majority of your
protein intake comes from vegetables, whole grains, pulses, and little measures
of nuts and seeds.
Maintain a Strategic
Distance from Bad Fat
Keep a close eye on your intake of trans fats. Eating trans
fats normally prompts higher glucose and insulin levels and hurt your capacity
to clear sugar from your circulatory system. Higher glucose and insulin levels
lead to infertility. Eating trans fats can prompt inflammation in your body,
which can delay ovulation and thereby conception. The most widely consumed trans
fats in the North American are margarine, shortening, French fries, deep fried chicken,
doughnuts, biscuits/cookies, and cakes/pastries. Some foods that are rich in good
fats, and can be eaten to build your possibilities of getting pregnant are:
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Olives and olive oil
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Organic eggs
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Crisp, unroasted nuts and seeds
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Coconut and coconut oil.
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Eat simple Carbs
and Avoid Processed Carbs
Polycystic ovary disorder (PCOS) is one of the most common
causes of infertility in women. Foods that are rich in processed carbohydrate increase
blood sugar and insulin levels which interfere in chances of getting pregnant.
Types of processed
carbohydrates that you should avoid while trying to get pregnant include:
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French fries and potato chips
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Soda pops, aerated drinks, and bottles juices
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Foods made with white flour
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Beer and wine
Carbohydrates that you can safely consume are vegetables, nuts,
seeds, legumes, and whole grains.
Take Adequate Folic
Acid and Iron
Folate (folic acid) is an essential element for building and
replicating DNA. Folate also keeps your homocysteine level healthy; an increase
in homocysteine level can increase chances of hypertension and miscarriage. Some
foods that contain folate are:
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Lima beans
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Romaine lettuce
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Beet roots
Nonheme iron, a component of vegetables, legumes, fruits etc,
can increase your chances of getting pregnant. Some food you can include in
your diet to increase nonheme iron are:
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Lima beans
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Goji berries
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Navy beans
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Eat healthy, stay happy, and create life :)